Hypnotist & Motivator Robert Channing Shows You How To Increase Your Mental Powers.
Robert incorporates the power of Focus and Visualization using your own GOLD Mind to inspire your sales team and create a theme for whatever your business and personal goals may be.
Allow Robert to entertain and inspire your audience with stories, comic relief, and examples of real-life experiences. He will teach you to break free your self-imposed boundaries!
His compelling and thoroughly entertaining presentations unveil the secrets to harnessing control of our actions and maintaining a clear presence of mind. His easy-to-learn and proven techniques help us to achieve personal success in our competitive, fast-paced, world.
Robert will work closely with your Meeting Planner to develop a title, incorporate your meetings theme, and to tailor his talks to address your organization's goals and objectives to match your audience's needs.
About Motivation
Being motivated simply means having a reason, or motive which is strong enough to bring us to action.
Robert's talks are specifically crafted to help people create a personal reason for moving themselves out of where they are and into understanding a reality of new possibilities. Robert encourages each member of your audience to recognize his or her true potential.
Robert’s brilliant ability to make each and every individual in your audience feel as if he is speaking directly to them makes his performance the most moving motivational presentation your audience will ever experience.
No matter what type of people or professionals your audience is made up of, Robert will inspire each of them to utilize their innate abilities and unleash their true potential. Robert propels your audience to test their limits, to strive for new goals, to aim at new horizons, and to persevere – Ultimately - to "Utilize their Gold Mind".
Topics and Titles
- Your Gold Mind!
Go for the Gold in Your Own Mind - Your Golfing Mind! (Ask about this spectacular event with a round of Golf)
How to Drive Your Sales and Get a Hole In One in Business - Your Mind Unlocks the Secrets to the Universe!
How to Go from Ordinary to Achieving and Being Someone Extraordinary - Entertaining Your Thoughts!
How to Unleash the Awesome Power Within You - Discover Your Minds Power!
Seize the Greatness that Awaits You and Your Future - Power Goals!
Turn Your Dreams into Reality with POWER GOALS - Think For A Change!
How to Embrace Change - Your Attitude Will Determine Your Success and Your Altitude - Maximizing Your Mind!
7 Easy Exercises for Immediate Results on How to Use Change to Create Opportunity Instead of Pain - Your Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Waste!
You Don't Have to be a Genius to Have a Great Mind - The Blindfolded Billionaire!
Why Super Stars Never Quit... Remember Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit...
As Seen on TV and LIVE Around the World...

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